Friday 7 December 2012

SUN RA and his Astro Intergalactic Infinity Arkestra

Here is a quote from the album "SPACE IS THE PLACE" by "Sun Ra" 

LISTEN TO SPACE IS THIS PLACE  -!/album/Space+Is+The+Place/2371606

"as all marines are riflemen, all members of the Sun Ra Astro Intergalactic Infinity Arkestra are percussionists"And so it should be. here are a few choice words and numbers and their significance in relation to the artist known as Sun Ra

Yep, a traditional slick suited jazzman.

100 - a number which is less than the total number of recorded albums Ra released

Saturn - the birthplace of Sun Ra (as claimed by Ra himself. A valid birth certificate is yet to be produced)

Synthesizer - a keyboard like instrument, electronic, played 3 at a time

C.I.D. - the Cosmic Infinity Drum. a tree on Sun Ra street had been struck by lightning. Ra took this as a good omen and fashioned a drum out of it.

Club Soda - what to drink before a gig to losen up (not slang for booze)

a pretty cosmic cat indeed. Ra straddles all genres at all times like some sort of many legged sea creature from space, a sort of is useless to talk about his music because it really is all things, like trying to discern one drop from another, the genius of Ra is the ocean of work he created.there is a movie starring him called "Space is the Place" in which he comes from saturn to rescue disenchanted african americans. a must see, if only for the costumes.

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